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Engineering for Project Management - MOA

An Industrial Project is an important step in the life of a company, which requires a multi-function and multi-skill approach throughout its development.
As Owner, you are responsible for all the key decisions that will mark the life of the Project.
Axys-Network consultants help you to
  • Structure your approach: from the Pre-Project stages to routine Production, it is crucial to phase the Project into stages, each with a specific objective. This allows to accelerate the progress of the Project by validating at each step the consistency with the strategic objectives.

  • minimize costs: the resources involved are adapted to the stage in progress.

The main directions are taken from the first stages. It will be very difficult to come back to the choices made at the outset, at the risk of exposing yourself to significant slippages in costs and deadlines.

The Axys-network experts master all the stages of the development of an Industrial Project: Sketch, Summary Preliminary Project, Detailed Preliminary Project, Master Validation Plan, Execution studies, Purchasing, Construction, Installation Qualification, Qualification Operational, Qualification and Validation of the Process , Start-up.
They are able to help you adapt this generic approach to the specifics of your Project
  • Participate in the establishment of essential skills and resources: there is no Project without associated human resources.
The Axys-Network experts will help you quantify the needs to be set up, both on profiles and on staff.
  • Support you technically by experts capable of:
challenge the solutions proposed by the Project Manager (Engineering, BET, contractors ...) ensuring the stages of execution of the project;
help you choose the right technical solution, at each stage, consistent with your strategic objectives and your operational resources.